tiistai 15. toukokuuta 2012

Now 1.9 million Windows Phone Facebook users, around 12 million devices in the wild


The number of monthly active users of the native Windows Phone Facebook integration has taken another tick up, crossing 1.9 million users today.
It took 20 days since 1.8 million, slightly faster than the 21 day average but slower than the 15 days it took from 1.7-1.8 million, which was likely due to the Nokia Lumia 900 launch.
Using our usual ratio, we now estimate that there are around 12.3 million Windows Phones in use in the wild.  This number exclude Chinese Tango phones, which lack Facebook integration.
At current rates it appears around 3.2 million Windows Phones will have been sold in Q2, but of course once again this excludes Chinese Tango phones and does not take into account bumps due to the launch of the Nokia Lumia 610 and potentially Samsung’s new lower-end Windows Phones, which may raise this number to slightly above 4 million, for a likely 3% market share.
The vast majority of these 4 million Windows Phones will likely be Nokia Lumia handsets, and it is of note that since the release of the Nokia Lumia 800 in October 2011 the total number of Windows Phones sold have doubled in less than 7 months, after taking a year to reach around 6 million before this.