tiistai 12. kesäkuuta 2012

Kantar Wordpanel: “… we expect to see signs of Android, RIM and iOS customers switching to the Microsoft platform.”


Kantar Worldpanel have released their market share numbers for the 12 weeks ending May 2012 and as has been usual recently, it reads as pretty good news for Windows Phone.
They note that Windows Phone now held over 3% market share in most major markets, with its share highest in Germany and the US.
In Spain Windows Phone held a 2.6% market share.  This is up from 1.9% for the April period, a growth of 37% in only a month.  Windows Phone is close to outselling the iPhone there, which only had 3.3% market share, down from 5.8% last year, after operators dropped phone subsidies in the struggling economy.
It also seems Microsoft achieved their goal with Windows Phone, with the majority of WP7 customers in the US being first time smartphone owners. Windows Phone has also finally started convincing Windows Mobile users that it is a worthy upgrade option instead of Android.
Sunnebo adds: “Our data clearly shows that in the US, LTE/4G handset capability is crucial for brands wanting to steal existing smartphone consumers. As WP7 handsets with this capability start to become more prevalent, we expect to see signs of Android, RIM and iOS customers switching to the Microsoft platform.”
The limited numbers show clear momentum for the platform, which is making slow but very steady progress in market share.