As well as the success in China, in the states Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T Mobility, had the following to say about Windows Phone and its future with Microsoft's upcoming dekstop OS release, Windows 8.
"I am really pleased with what I am seeing out of Microsoft and Nokia coming out with their first product. The operating system works really well. It is simple, it is easy to use, it is intuitive. The reception to the Lumia launch has actually exceeded our expectations. So we think there is a very good chance that Microsoft will have a very good OS that will be right in there with iOS and Android.When they come out with Windows 8 in the fourth quarter, I think it will actually add to the value that that OS brings to the marketplace, in that that will be the first time that you can truly have a similar experience on your PC, on your tablet, and on your smartphone from soft Microsoft. From what I have seen and the previews that I have been given, I think it is going to be exceptionally good. I am very upbeat in what they are bringing to the market."
Microsoft is pushing the "three screens metro" vision with Windows Phone and therecent Xbox dashboard update. Consumers are patiently awaiting for Windows 8, which will sport the same tile system being used that's currently iconic with Windows Phone. Vega believes this familiarity with the desktop, tablet and smartphone will give consumers a reason to use Windows Phone (as well as other Microsoft products).
We already know the AT&T Mobility CEO is satisfied with the Lumia 900, and even promoted it instead of talking iPhone 5, but it's pleasing to know that he's also looking to the future of the platform, as well as Nokia and Microsoft's current push.