perjantai 11. toukokuuta 2012

Analyst: Channel checks find Nokia Lumia 900 outselling the HTC One X

Channel checks by Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt from 15 AT&T stores found the Nokia Lumia 900 is continuing to sell “reasonably well”.
In fact he found according to most stores it was the  second-best seller after the iPhone.  This of course agreed withCanaccord Genuity similar findings.
He also looked at the HTC One X, and found it was also selling “reasonably well”, but logically worse than the Lumia 900.
He writes:
Our conversations with store reps indicated no signs of Lumia demand “falling off a cliff” following the reasonably strong launch week. Clearly, at $99 and with very noticeable retail store support from AT&T reps, the Lumia launch in the US was built for volume. We are still skeptical that demand can remain strong as the HTC One X ramp continues, the Galaxy S III launch occurs, and the iPhone 5 hits later this year, but we continue to be we continue to be impressed with sell through trends in the meantime. Notably the hold music for all AT&T stores across the country invites listeners to behold the “beautifully different” Nokia Lumia 900, and store reps are clearly pushing the product heavily,” writes McCourt.
